Complete the form below for your upcoming project requirements

This process requires you to fill out the form as well as send an email to request time for briefing the project in and confirming the timeline.


Project Request Guidelines

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

ETA – 2 – 5 days for a proof of concept

When requesting a mailer build

– Complete the form above with relevant details
– Mailers to be requested atleast 7 days before the required send out date
– Please state if you require OFT of if the mailer will be sent out on HubSpot

Mailer Checklist

-Subject line for the mailer
-Mailer imagery
-Mailer links within the content or for buttons
-*If the mailer is being sent via Hubspot which mailing list/s is it being sent to

-Estimated send out date and time

ETA – 3 – 5 days turnaround time

Fill out the form above with relevant details

Changes checklist
-Stipulate whether the changes are needed to an existing page or an upcoming page
-Does the page change need to be made only on a regional website or on all SYSPRO sites
-Should you require imagery changes please rope in Gary
-Content changes need to be vetted by the content team so please rope in either Judith or Carrie
-Date of completion for required changes

ETA – 3 to 7 working days for a proof of concept

Fill out the form above with relevant details

New web page checklist
-How many new webpages are needed
-Do you require imagery for the new page, if yes please rope in Gary or Kevin
-Do you require assistance with content, if yes please rope in the content team as well as the SEO person
-What are the links that should appear on this new page
-Do you have a design in mind, if yes please send through screenshots / images
-Date of completion for the web page/s

ETA – 3 to 7 working days for a proof of concept

Fill out the form above with relevant details

New web page checklist
-How many new webpages are needed
-Do you require imagery for the new page, if yes please rope in Gary or Kevin
-Do you require assistance with content, if yes please rope in the content team as well as the SEO person
-What are the links that should appear on this new page
-Do you have a design in mind, if yes please send through screenshots / images
-Date of completion for the web page/s

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Should you require assistance with external platforms other that the SYSPRO website please complete the form above with the relevant details.

Platforms include but not limited to:
-Hubspot customization
-Fresh service
-Help site
-SYSPRO 8 site


Roles and Responsibilities

Project Trafficking





Social Media


Campaign Checklist

Please attach your campaign checklist in the form above.