Thank you for attending the 2021 Global Sales Summit.

While we may be obliged to remain apart, we can at least unite through our common commitment to People, Purpose and Passion and achieving our goals together as a team.

Thank you to those that submitted their pledge,those that want to learn more about your donation and where it is being used please visit:

For those of you that have not yet pledged we encourage you to do so using the Yammer Group.

Please find below all content and recordings from the two sessions.

Day 1

Justin Cohen

Motivational Speaker

Jaco Maritz

SYSPRO Strategy

Sandra Fraga

Growth Strategy & Sales Support Structure​

Paulo de Matos

Industry Experts

Andy Preston

Remote Selling

Day 2

Mark Walker

IDC Global ICT Market Outlook

Paulo de Matos

Connected Platforms & Systems

Deirdre Fryer

Connected Society

JP van Loggerenberg

Trusted Advisor

Harald Horgen

Why growing Channel is key

TJ Zwane

ISV Opportunity

Brandon Shaban

Account Management & Channel Engagement

Rhodes Food Group

SYSPRO 8 Customer Showcase

Sandra Fraga


Get the full Agenda

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